
Twisted light: The Edison bulb has purpose again

Twisted light: The Edison bulb has purpose again
Researcher Jun Lu, examining the twisted filament of an Edison bulb
Researcher Jun Lu, examining the twisted filament of an Edison bulb
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Researcher Jun Lu, examining the twisted filament of an Edison bulb
Researcher Jun Lu, examining the twisted filament of an Edison bulb
The screen in the background shows the temperature of the bulb as it glows – the temperature directly affects the wavelengths of light emitted
The screen in the background shows the temperature of the bulb as it glows – the temperature directly affects the wavelengths of light emitted
This twisted wire illustrates how the filament in the Edison bulb is twisted, but at a micro-scale – when the light's wavelength matches the length of the twist, the lightwaves twirl as they go through space
This twisted wire illustrates how the filament in the Edison bulb is twisted, but at a micro-scale – when the light's wavelength matches the length of the twist, the lightwaves twirl as they go through space
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Forget LEDs, researchers from the University of Michigan have developed a new type of incandescent light bulb. The device is capable of emitting elliptically polarized light, described as "twisted" light.

The word "twisted" (aka "chiral") describes the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation of the light's electromagnetic waves that mirror each other as it travels. By contrast, traditional light sources emit unpolarized light or linearly polarized light.

It sounds weird, but this new design has the potential to transform optics and photonics.

The bulb produces this twisted form of polarized light due to the intricate engineering of the filament itself. By integrating micro- and nanoscale twists into the tungsten filament structure, the light wave inherits that helical shape, effectively making it elliptically polarized.

Changing the light's polarization characteristics in this manner mimics things found in nature, like the ridiculously sophisticated and specialized vision of the mantis shrimp. With 16 types of photoreceptors (compared to humans' piddly four – rods and red, green, and blue cones), mantis shrimp can see all the colors, including parts of the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum. They can even detect circular polarized light. All of this excellent visual information makes them lethal underwater hunters (not to mention they can punch about 100 times harder than a human, but that's for another story, another time).

The screen in the background shows the temperature of the bulb as it glows – the temperature directly affects the wavelengths of light emitted
The screen in the background shows the temperature of the bulb as it glows – the temperature directly affects the wavelengths of light emitted

What is polarized light?

We've all heard of polarized sunglasses, and the consensus is generally that they're better than non-polarized sunglasses. Yes and no, depending on your usage.

Polarized light is simply the waves of light oscillating in a specific direction. Direct sunlight is usually scattered in all directions, but when sunlight hits water, the light reflects linearly in the same direction as the reflective surface and the light waves travel to your eyes in a mostly uniform fashion, making it seem brighter or harsher to your eyes. The glassier the water or more reflective the surface, the more uniform the polarization goes straight into your eyeballs. This is why polarized sunglasses work so much better at the beach or lake or while driving.

Next time you're wearing your polarized sunglasses – which are generally designed for horizontal polarized light – look at a reflective window, then turn your head 90-degrees sideways and you'll see how they work in action.

This twisted wire illustrates how the filament in the Edison bulb is twisted, but at a micro-scale – when the light's wavelength matches the length of the twist, the lightwaves twirl as they go through space
This twisted wire illustrates how the filament in the Edison bulb is twisted, but at a micro-scale – when the light's wavelength matches the length of the twist, the lightwaves twirl as they go through space

But back to why this old tech with a new twist is cool ... As mentioned earlier, certain animals are sensitive to polarized light. Bees, ants and birds, among others, use it for navigation. Octopi, fish and more use it to hunt or hide. The list goes on.

One of the most promising uses of this twisted light technology is in robotic vision systems, giving robots the ability to see in spectrums similar to these specialized animals.

Elliptically polarized light can better a robot's ability to interpret its environment far better than scattered light, by providing more layers of information. For example, it could improve object detection and surface texture recognition by providing more contrast. If you've ever used a camera with autofocus and you just couldn't seem to get it to focus on something plain or flat, it's usually because there isn't enough contrast for the sensor to distinguish how far away it is.

The better that robotic vision systems can see, the better the results for activities like autonomous navigation or machine learning. Twisted light would be like throwing a 3-dimensional grid onto an object that robotic vision could map with far better precision. And mantis shrimp.

"These findings, for example, could be important for an autonomous vehicle to tell the difference between a deer and a human, which emit light with similar wavelengths but different helicity because deer fur has a different curl from our fabric," said Nicholas Kotov, Professor and director at the NSF Center of Complex Particles and Particle Systems, and co-author of the study.

Robotics aside, this type of light has the potential for improving other imaging technologies such as more detailed medical diagnostics and materials science images.

Communication system improvements are equally significant. Polarized light is already used in fiber optics and data transmission to carry more data on a single line. The ability to control light polarization with such precision could lead to more channels on existing infrastructure, making data rates faster and more secure.

Incandescent lights, seemingly old and obsolete in the age of LEDs, have found purpose again to potentially brighten our future. But don't go digging out your hundred-year-old light bulbs from the closet just yet, there's still more work to be done.

Source: University of Michigan

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Pierre Collet
"Polarized light is simply the waves of light oscillating in a specific direction. Direct sunlight is usually scattered in all directions, but when sunlight hits water, the light reflects linearly and the waves travel to your eyes from the water's surface in a mostly uniform fashion, making it seem brighter or harsher to your eyes."
This is not how it works... "uniform" light coming from the Sun gets polarized by the atmosphere, so when it reaches us, it is polarized. Then surfaces that reflect light (such as water or glass or a mirror) "transmit" the polarization. But a matte surface will reflect light in all directions, therefore cancelling the pre-existing polarization.
So when you have a polarized filter (that you can put in front of your camera or in front of your eyes in the form of sunglasses), it will let through only the light polarized along the direction of the polarized lens. This is how blue sky can appear dark. But typically, white clouds will reflect light in all directions, so a part of the light coming from the clouds will go through the polarized lens and they will appear much brighter than the sky, whose polarized light will be perpendicular to the polarized filter of your sunglasses.
So polarized lenses increase the "contrast" between things that emit polarized light perpendicular to the direction of the polarization of the lens. With polarized lenses, you can "see through" water, by minimizing its reflection of polarized light coming from the sky if you orient the lenses correctly.

"If you've ever used a camera with autofocus and you just couldn't seem to get it to focus on something plain or flat, it's usually because there isn't enough contrast for the sensor to distinguish how far away it is."
This sentence is wrong too, but for many other reasons. But sticking back to polarized / non-polarized light, try to illuminate a matte blank wall with your "elliptically polarized light" and the camera will not focus any better...

The piece of information you are telling us about is interesting by itself. Please stick to its contents when it is not your speciality domain, to avoid adding false knowledge to an original paper that was well worded (in science, all words are chosen and often cannot be changed with others that seem similar).
Treon Verdery
2.4 MHZ (Million cycle per second) piezoelectric transducers are 39c-79c at alibaba, depending on the range of motionit is possible to utilize two of these (vertical and horizontal motion) to make two directions of motion that combined with 1mm travel distance are able to cycle through numerous degrees of polarization at a polarizing filter. Its a lot like a spinning disk that omits spinning, and is small and much more robust that a motor driven spinning disk. This might make a super long life Laser diode, that lasts decades longer than an incandescent bulb be able to emit a kind of stepper motor-like form of polarized, possibly epilliptically polarized light. at 2.4 million stepper motor steps equivalent a second at 2.4 MHz that is pretty high precision. The separate parts for 2 watts is about 11c LED, 49c-79c( times 2) piezoelements, and 2-4c of polarization film. It might be cheaper than the lightbulb and is semi-programmable.